General Meeting Minutes for 2017 

Grand Island Lions General Meeting  January 11, 2017

Attendance:  in attendance 12 Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski, Dick Crawford, Bob Goulding, Fred Ruocco, Shelia Ferrentino, Dan Morabito, Anne Fahning, Paul Bassette, Brooks Rimes, Donna Lavallee, Maria Kraus

Lion President Dick Crawford called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM Pledge: Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski; song, Paul Bassette; prayer Lion Shelia introduced our guest Maria Kraus

Maria Kraus:  Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) MDA has served over 100k individuals throughout the USA.  The local MDA hosts a summer camp in Rush NY for 1 week for children.  Last year 72 children attended with counselors the last week of June.  Local retailers help raise money for the camp by “selling” paper shamrocks in March in support of the camp.  The MDA in Buffalo also has a loan closet that has wheelchairs, beds, and walkers.  Maria answered questions and was invited to attend the SKP in July.

Lion Anne made a motion to the tail twister, seconded by Lion Shelia, all in favor.  Lion Fred circulated with questions.
LP Dick announced that he has a speaker for the February meeting.  Lion Anne Fahning will be traveling
To Nicaragua in February and would like to present perhaps in March.

Split Club: Lion Tom:  Total in the split club is $168 Guest Maria Kraus drew Pat Patterson, Absent, Gerry Dubiel, absent, Tom Butler, absent, Dave Chervinsky, absent, Bob Goulding, Lion Bob drew the Ace of Clubs.

Committee Reports:
Correspondence:  Lion Dick shared a thank you from the International Institute for donations from the Christmas Party.
Treasurers Report: Lion Tom Witkowski reviewed the balances in the General and Welfare funds. All members received a copy of the Budget in the mail.
February Meeting 2/8/17 LP Dick proposed that we have a fun event at the Bowling Alley with our significant others. Lion Dick will try to get glasses simulating vision impairment. We will eat at the Bowling Alley.
Scholarship Program:  Lion Brooks and Lion Mark will meet to go over the scholarship application.
Peace Poster: The theme for next year is “Future of Peace”, Lion Paul will order the kit.  The winners of the Peace Poster will be invited to come to the 5/24 meeting at the Radisson.
Hopeful Ways:  The eye car mission project in Nicaragua.  There is donation money in the budget. Lion Anne will be going on this mission trip in February.
Budgeted Donations:
A donation was made to MDA for $100 and presented to Maria Kraus.
Donation to Excalibur
SABAH, we will not donate this year

Book Donation:  Lion Tom Witkowski brought 2 books to be donated to the GI Library.  The books were authored by Lion Irene Colvin of the Lancaster Lions Club.  The books are “The Lion Pride” and “My Dozen Angels”
In regards to the Library we are losing some of our space of the Peace Poster.  Alternative places for display of the winners could be at the Radisson or the BLC.

Lion Bob Goulding presented the club with a $50 donation that came from collected tabs from the Holy Names Society! Lion Anne made a motion that we the club put this money in the General Fund, seconded by Lion Tom Witkowski, all in favor, motion passed.

Lion Tom Rusert reported that 6 boxes of food and $150 in cash and $75 in gift cards were presented to the GI Neighbors Foundation from the Christmas party.  In addition, we have an account set up at Bottle Junction for “cash for cans” for the GI Lions Club.

Rick Nassar name was brought up as a potential new member of the GI Lions Club.

Lion Tom Witkowski reported on the $500 donation from the Carlane family as well as a donation of medical equipment.  The recommendation will be for them to take the advise of their tax preparer.  There is the possible pending 501.C3 status with District 20N.

Lion Donna brought up discussions that she has had with Rotarian John Harbison on doing a joint meeting and having the group Fife and Drum do their presentation.  This would be a fun meeting, splitting the cost of $100.  Discussion on whether or not this is in conjunction with our overall mission.  We will mull this over and discuss in the future.  Lion Donna will relay this to John Harbison.

Thank you the Lion Anne for creating our beautiful new banner!!!

Motion to adjourn Lion Tom R seconded by Lion Shelia; Meeting adjourned at 8:31
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions General Meeting
March 8, 2017

Attendance:  in attendance 13 Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski, Dick Crawford, Bob Goulding, Fred Ruocco, Shelia Ferrentino, Dan Morabito, Anne Fahning, Paul Bassette, Brooks Rimes, Donna Lavallee, Kelly McGarvey, Charles Sperrazza.

Lion President Dick Crawford called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM Pledge: Brooks Rimes, Tom Rusert; song, Paul Bassette; prayer Lion Brooks introduced our guest Charles Sperrazza, potential new member.
A motion to release the tail twister, Lion Anne, seconded by Lion Tom R.

Split Club: Lion Tom:  Total in the split club is $177 Guest Charles Sperrazza drew Paul Bassette; Lion Paul drew the two of hearts.

Committee Reports:
Treasurers Report: Lion Tom Witkowski reviewed the balances in the General and Welfare funds. All members received a copy of the Budget in the mail. Donation for loan closet items, board members will decide where these funds will go.
Scholarship Program:  Lion Paul Bassette presented the check from Adrian Pollack family for the scholarship fund for $450.
Spaghetti Dinner is 4/24; tickets will be forthcoming in 10 days or so.  Lion Dan will find out if Tony Dragonette will be available to help.  Lion Tom R. has the meatballs lined up.  Placemat ads are available.  Prices for tickets are $8, $5 kids.  Lion Anne’s committee is ready to go
Peace Poster: The entry from Kenmore is going to the state level. 
State Convention:  Lion Tom W. will not be going this year.  Dates will be May 5-7, 2017 announced.  The convention is in Lake Placid. 
Awards/Scholarship committee:  Lion Paul, the applications are available online at the high school (Editors note: and the Grand Island Lion Website), Lion Mark Frenzel is handling the applications for off the Island students.  Due to one application from last year not collected will be awarding 2 $1000 scholarships and 2 $500 scholarships. Committee members have been, Lion Fred, Lion Brooks, Lion Henry, Lion Mark, Lion Donna and Lion Paul B.
Melvin Jones:  Lion Paul:  committee will meet.  Our club has 1 Uplinger award.  The committee will meet sometime in April.
Correspondence:   LP Dick:  Sabah magazine celebrating 40 years 3/26 at the Key Bank Center. Lion Kelly:  Kensington Lions Club’s Charity Fund is requesting ad space for their event; the 42nd annual Lions/ADPRO Sports All-Star High School Football Classic on 7/26/17.  Monies raised will go to Kids Escaping Drugs and the Kensington Lions Club Charity fund. Request from Barker, Newfane and Wilson Lions fundraiser to support the Olmstead Eye Center for ad space in their bulletin.  Letter from the Miracle League thanking our support for the Beeper Ball program.  LP Dick will send a letter to RJ Wynne to invite us to the first game.
Vision Screening:  Lion Tom, over the past 2 days along with Lion Paul Bassette, Stu Lavallee, Lion Joe Sullivan and Lion Paul Peters screened 589 GI school children at Sidway, Kaegebein and Huth Rd.  The children wear their eyeglasses if appropriate.  The information is downloaded directly to the school nurse’s computer and the school  nurse is responsible for notifying the parents and the camera database is removed.  Other schools will be tested Kiddo Korner and perhaps a few others.  Scheduling for other schools is in the works.  A copy of the letter that is sent to the parents was passed around for viewing.  Two of the cameras used were owned by the District, and one camera owned by Town of Niagara.  The cameras are 85-90% accurate.

A banner tag for completing 2 sections of the centennial.
Notification from the International President acknowledging our 60th anniversary. Our club received a chancellor banner and pin.
Dick and Jenny’s Dinner 20% a date needs to be selected at the board meeting.

Motion to adjourn Lion Anne seconded by Lion Paul B; Meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lions General Meeting
April 12, 2017

Attendance:  in attendance 11 Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski, Dick Crawford, Bob Goulding, Fred Ruocco, Dan Morabito, Norm Hahn, Paul Bassette, Brooks Rimes, Donna Lavallee, Kelly McGarvey

Presentation by Shen Yun, video and pamphlets to hand out.

Lion President Dick Crawford called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM Pledge: Norm Hahn, Donna Lavallee; song, Paul Bassette; prayer A motion to release the tail twister, Lion Dick, seconded by Lion Brooks.

Split Club: Lion Tom: Total in the split club is $183, drew Lion Brooks, Lion Brooks drew the 10 of diamonds.

Committee Reports:
LP Dick: Service project for the Lions Centennial.  April 22, Earth Day, we will pick up garbage along GI Blvd. An email will be sent out regarding the meeting place and the details.
Treasurers Report:   Lion Tom Witkowski reviewed the balances in the General and Welfare funds. All members received a copy of the Budget via  email. Outstanding checks were reviewed. One peace poster check that was not cashed will be removed from the ledger.  A donation was given to Lion Dick for the loan of medical equipment.  This money will go into the General fund.  The paperwork was completed for the foundation.  This money will go into the welfare account.  Thank you letters were received from Freedom Guide Dogs, Donation request for Mercy Request, Young Life, Doctor Andy’s Day, American Cancer Society.  We may not give to ACS due to the high administrative costs.  Based upon ACS rating, Lion Tom made a motion to withdraw funding to the Amercian Cancer Society and to accept the treasurer’s report, Lion Norm, Seconded by Lion Tom R.  All in favor, motion carried.
Spaghetti Dinner is 4/24, tickets were handed out tonight.  We will be setting up at 3 PM on Sunday 4/23, an email will be sent out.  Everyone is asked to bring a baked good for the bake sale. New manager at Tops, LP Dick will know by tomorrow regarding the sauce, bread, etc. If Tops does not come through with donations, LP Dick
said that we could go to a place called the Restaurant Depot in Cheektowaga.
Lion Brooks:   Basket raffle, Lion Brooks had an inquiry about a poster to put up in regards to businesses that donate a basket.  Anchor Marina is donating a personal floatation device.  As Lions we should patronize the businesses that give.  A thank you could also be put in the dispatch for all of the business donations.  There is an announcement for the Spaghetti Dinner in the Island wide dispatch and on Isle de Grande.  Walgreen’s has asked twice on how else can they help.  Lions Brooks indicated that we need more people to eat the spaghetti.
Merritton meeting is 4/26, at the Radisson, for Hamburger night.
Election: Lion Tom W.: Slate of Officers
       President:  Lion Henry Lobl
       1st Vice President:  Lion Shelia Ferrentino
       2nd Vice President Lion:   OPEN
       Treasurer:  Lion Tom Witkowski 
      Corresponding Secretary:  Lion Kelly McGarvey
      Recording Secretary:  Lion Donna Lavallee
            Lion Tamer/Tail Twister:  Lion Fred Ruocco
Year Director:  Lion Paul Krupa
Year Director:  Lion Brooks Rimes
Year Director:  Lion Anne Fahning
Year Director:  Lion Bob Goulding
Immediate Past President:  Lion Dick Crawford

Any other nominations from the floor?, slate is as stands, secretary moves the slate is accepted, Seconded by Lion Tom, motion passed. 
Hopeful Ways:  Lion Anne asked permission to advertise a fundraising dinner at her home.  All in favor
For the good of the Club:  Lion Brooks, donation to the Loan Closet.
Vision Screenings:  Kiddos Korner, Island Kids Child Care Center should be set for dates next week.

Motion to adjourn Lion Dan seconded by Lion Tom R; Meeting adjourned at 8:56 PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna


Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
May 10, 2017

Attendance:  (15 in attendance) Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski, Dick Crawford, Donna Lavallee, Annette Lobl, Henry Lobl, Paul Krupa, Dan Morobito, Dave Chervinsky, Kelly McGarvey, Anne Fahning, Bob Goulding, Fred Ruocco Brooks Rimes, and guest Cindy Sharpe.

Lion President Dick Crawford called the meeting to order at 7:12 PM. 
Lion Bob led us in the Pledge to the Flag, Lion Donna led us in a patriot song and LP Dick led us in prayer.

Motion to release the tail twister: Lion Paul Krupa seconded by Lion Tom W.

Lion Tom called the split club $190.  Lion Shelia was absent Lion Tom Rusert drew the 8 of spades.

Speaker  was unable to come tonight so LP Dick discussed some facts about the Ash Bore Beetle that are affected the Ash trees in WNY at least 40-60% of the Ash trees on GI.
The minutes from the last meeting were approved.
Lion Tom W. Treasurers report was sent to all members via email with the balances in the General and Welfare accounts.  We will be receiving a check from Community foundation for Greater Buffalo we should be receiving approximately $1400

Lion Paul  made a motion to accept the treasurers report seconded by lion Brooks, all in favor, motion passed.

Vision screening at the Island Kids Center is not quite complete we received an impromptu donation of $350.

From Merritton we received 2 admission tickets for their annual Jamboree to their benefit The Women’s and Children’s Hospital on June 4, 2017 in Niagara Falls, NY American legion Post 381.  Motion to turn the tickets over to the American Legion of GI for those who are interested on going.  Lion Henry, seconded by Lion Brooks.  All in favor, motion carried.

Tops Monopoly tickets were received from the Spaghetti Dinner, second chances tickets were mailed in order

Committee Reports:  expenses
Lion Dick Spaghetti Dinner income was $4574 as of yesterday, amounts will be modified according to what we used this year.  Basket raffle
Lion Anne Kids day we contributed to helping raise over $1900 on GI, Lion Dave, Lion Anne Kelly Brooks, Tom W Dick and Lion Dan in spirit.
Lion Kelly communications
Requests for donations NF reading service, (we have already donated)  Wings Flight of Hope BBQ June 5 t, Mercy Flight (already donated). OP Lions club annual steak roast tickets are $30.
For our fundraiser at Dick and Jenny’s; 40 people participated and $196 was raised. We will be getting a check for $275, The Senior Center was also raising the same day. These monies will go in to the General account.

Lion Brooks, public service announcement  “University Express Buffalo”  promoting 100 different talks on all different topics, given by people who are experts in their field.  All talks are free and all over Erie County.

We received an application from Cindy Sharpe!!!  Lion Kelly will process the application. 

Scholarship committee:  Lion Donna:  Scholarship committee will meet, there is a question on whether or not the recipient’s names will be submitted on time.  It was decided that Lion Paul and Lion Mark are aware of the necessary time frame.

The club helped sponsor the town political debates and we have been asked again.  All we need to do is provide a certificate of insurance. The request came from Jodi Robinson at Isle de Grande.  Motion by Lion Anne that we sponsor the event, seconded by Lion Dave, all in favor , motion passed.

An email will be sent out for member’s who would like to participate in the Lion’s Golf tournament at Holland Hills. It will be promoted in the June newsletter.

Kiddos Korner vision screening at 9:15 AM to be completed tomorrow anyone interested, please come

Island Kids 25 children, will be tested shortly.
Permission slips to be dropped off at St. Timothy’s.

Lion Installation dinner 6//14 at the GI Radisson n, 6 PM for Cocktails and 7 PM for dinner, spouses and significant others are invited.

Motion to adjourn Lions Henry, seconded by Lion Tom R meeting adjourned  8:56 PM.

Next meeting is 5/24 at the Radisson
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club General meeting – May 24,2017- Radisson on Grand Island

In attendance: Lions Richard C., Bob G., Dan M., Kelly M., Gerry D., Tom W., Paul B., Fred R., Anne F., Tom R., Annette L., Henry L.
The meeting was called to order at 7:08pm.
Guests in attendance were Berin Celik with her parents and brother. Berin is our 1st place winner for the peace poster contest. She is 11 years old.
Lion Paul Bassette explained that that the awards are based on 1. Expression of the theme (Celebration of Peace) 2. Artistic merit and 3. Originality.
In her description of her poster she showed how the images represented cooperation and celebration. Peace to her means being nice to each other and non-violence.
She received $100. Darren Grzesiak was awarded $50 for 2nd place and 4 -$25 prizes were given for honorable mention.
Next year’s theme will be “Future of Peace”
Lion Tom Witkowski gave the budget report. We reaffirmed that the $275 proceeds from our Dick and Jenny’s fundraiser will be donated to meals on Wheels. A motion was made by Lion Annette and seconded by lion Tom R to set up a photo op for the presentation to Meals on Wheels to publicize the good work done by our club.
There are 2 paid tickets available for a Jamboree which will be held on June 4th at 923 Niagara Ave. in Niagara Falls from 1-9 pm. If you would like them, please contact Lion Tom W.
Lion Tom W screened 22 children at Island Kids recently. He is looking for help for the vision screening projects.
Lion Tom W. reported on the district cabinet meeting. VSP through Lions International will give free glasses to anyone who needs them.
Journey for sight will be held in October at Beaver Island State Park.
Lion Annette reported that she has been in touch with vendors for the SPK. Gary Tucker has agreed to a $1,000 sponsorship from St Mary’s Hospital for the picnic. It was decided that we will present a plaque to Collins Marine at the installation dinner. Collins Marine has been providing 3 pontoon boats for past several years for the SKP.
Lion Paul is working on the Scholarship Program. There are 14 applications and the committee will meet soon to decide on a winner.
Save the Date! Our Club will have a yard sale on Father’s Day, June 18th, at the West River Rd sight of the annual lawn mower races. Details at the next meeting. Volunteers are needed to take shifts through the day.
The split club was up to $196!!! Yours truly missed out on the big prize by drawing the 6 of hearts L
June 14th is our Installation Dinner at the BLC. Remember to bring your spouse, significant other or friend.
A motion was made by Lion Anne and seconded by Lion Tom W and carried, to adjourn at 8:45 pm.

Submitted by Lion Anne Fahning

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
September 13, 2017

The meeting was called to order at guests 7:05 PM. 
Pledge led by Lion Annette, Patriotic song, Lion Anne, Lions Prayer, Lion Paul B

Motion to release the Tail Twister, Lion Annette seconded by Lion Dick.
Introduction of guests and inductees.

The website information for the public site is and member site gilions_member with the password *******.

Treasurers report:  Lion Tom W. The balances for the general and welfare accounts were reviewed.  All members received a copy of the report via email.  There are still a few financials open from the spaghetti dinner. The budget committee has met.  There has been an appeal from LCIF for Hurricane relief.  The district chair recommends that members privately donate $25.
Motion:  Lion Paul K: The club make a $250 donation to LCIF for Hurricane relief, seconded by Lion Paul B.  There was a board member quorum, all in favor, motion passed.  Members can privately donate as they see fit.

Taste of Grand Island: 
The event is 9/23/17.  Volunteers are needed to man the table as well as make baked goods for sale.  Lion Annette has the sign up sheets.

Corresponding Secretary:  Lion Kelly; 
A request for a $100 donation that will be taken to the board.
Thank you card from Sarah Swagler a recipient of the GIHS scholarship.
November 8-11 are BonTon community days.  Each member should take and sell at least 5 books; monies will go into the general fund.

SWOT:   LP Henry would like all members to participate in the SWOT analysis.  To date we have 30% member response, feedback is necessary from the old and new members alike. This will be in the newsletter for strategic planning of our Strengths, weaknesses, opportunity and threats.  We need a 2nd VP and a membership chair.

Considerations:  Lion VP Shelia; There are 2 things to consider; other venues for meeting locations and speakers.  Suggestions are
Trinity United Methodist Church
Howard Hanna’s meeting room but there are stairs at Howard Hanna.
Moose Lodge
Restaurants that are less expensive
Bowling Alley
Melvin Jones:  Lion Paul Bassette.  This years Melvin Jones award is presented to someone who has contributed to humanitarian good will.  This year’s recipient is Henry Kammerer of the Grand Island Neighbors Foundation

Induction of new members
Lion Paul Bassette conducted the induction of
Cindy Sharpe
Justine Justen
Jim Rose
Danielle Rose
Sarah Sweeney
Congratulations to all of our new members.

Lion Tom W:  Split club, $204 Looking for the Ace of Hearts.  Lion Henry, The five of spades was drawn…Stay Tuned.

Lion Anne, motion to adjourn, seconded by Lion Kelly, meeting adjourned.  8:26 PM.

Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
September 27, 2017

Attendance: (15 in attendance) Henry Lobl, Tom Witkowski, Bob Goulding, Paul Krupa, Brooks Rimes, Anne Fahning, Annette Lobl, Dick Crawford, Donna Lavallee, Dave Chervinsky, Fred Ruocco, Tom Rusert, Cindy Sharpe, Guests Sabrina Wilson, activities direction and Jody Zimmerman and registered nurse.

Meeting called to order at 7 PM
Pledge: Lion Paul Krupa, Song, Lion Donna, Prayer Lion Dick
Motion to release the tail twister Lion Anne
Motion to release the tail twister Lion Annette, all in favor.

Niagara University Lions Club will have a fundraiser at Chipotle restaurant at 1785 Military Rd
Sheridan Lions club 65th anniversary invite on Saturday 10/15, Lion Tom W and Diana will be attending.
Additional correspondence will be relayed through email if there is anything pertinent.

Taste of Grand Island wrap up:  The weather was hot and traffic was slow: we made roughly $100 after expenses.

Program:  Sabrina Wilson activity director and Jody Zimmerman RN at Elderwood of GI
Program updates in Elder Care at Elderwood of Grand Island
Services offered are Short term rehabilitation, SMARTs program which target avoidance of the hospital and ER covered stay if appropriate. long term care services and secure memory care services, respit services for a short stay. Oasis a new concept to improve the quality of care for long term care both for residents and staff alike.
Dementia capable care is a program that all staff is required to have.
Community involvement, volunteer hours are always welcome, i.e. there are 22 veterans in house that would like to have a visitor. Pet visits are welcome as well as children visits.

Loan closet clean out needs to be scheduled, Lion Tom is working with Lion Sarah a date needs to be set.  The date will be set and members will be notified to get Excess equipment could delivery to St. Luke’s mission

Communications LP Henry would like to make sure that everyone is getting emails. Members who have not received an email please let Lion Henry know. LP Henry would like members to think about how we can improve communications. A request for all members to give the phone captains a yes or a no.  Phone captions call Lion Paul who relays to Lion Tom W the actual names.
Financial Report  Lion Tom W. Copies of the budget were emailed to members.  Lion Tom reviewed the balances as well as outstanding checks. Lion Annette made a motion to approve the treasurers report, seconded Lion Anne, all in favor. Motion passed.

Split club: $210 Lion James Rose, Lion Mark Frenztel, Lion Anne Fahning, Lion Anne drew the Jack of hearts, The split club continues to grow.

Lion Tom Rusert:  Bottle return from Bottle junction $94.02

Stuarts sports for shirts.  Anyone that would like to order shirts $23.92 for new short sleeed, long sleeved polos $27.50. This information will be in the newsletter

Members are encouraged to check out the website and get back to Lion Dave with feedback.

Motion to adjourn Lion Tom R seconded Lion Tom W, all in favor.  Meeting adjourned 8:47 PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting October 25,2017
Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm. Pledge led by Tom W. Patriotic Song by Cyndie S. Prayer by Dick  Motion to release Tail Twister by Paul K,.second by Tom W.
Treasurer’s Report given by Tom W. All members received report via e-mail. Motion to approve by Anne second by Bob G.
Corresponding Secretary’s Report given by Kelly. Two requests for donations received K-9 Helpers and ACS-referred to Board. Letter received from Sup. Nathan MacMurray for members to write individual letters for funding of De Glopper Memorial.
Bon Ton Fundraiser. Kelly will send dates for store selling prior to Community days. She is still selling books to members-5 per member.
Puerto Rico disaster. Tom W., reported that there is 240 kids living in Buffalo to go to school here who have no school supplies. He will collect items from members to pick-up at the November meeting.
Candidates Night. Anne went over procedure. Lions Henry will greet. Paul and Annette  will take written questions.Lions Bob and Tom R. will act as Sargent at Arms. Tom W. and Dave will be time keepers. Anne and Bob Fahning with the moderator will cull questions.
President’s Report.SWOT Analysis Summary distributed to members present and sent via e-mail to all members. Discussion will take place at November meeting. Venues for meetings discussed.   November 08 and December 13 at the Radisson.  Jan. 28 at Elderwood, February 28 Valentines Party at Bowling Alley.  March 14 at BLC. April 11 town Café?? Depending on numbers. April 25 Merritton . May 09 Radisson, May 25 BLC, June 13 Installation BLC. Programs. Cyndie offered to be Program Ccordinator. Topics health and wellness. Real Estate Assessments. November  a short overview on Diabetes in keeping with International Lions Diabetes awareness Day on 11/14. Tom di John will get a speaker.
50/50 Lion Paul K. name was picked but the card was no cigar. Cash keeps growing 20 cards left.
Meeting  adjourned- motion by Tom B. second by Dave.
Submitted by Lion Annette

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
November 08, 2017
Attendance: 20 in attendance; Henry Lobl, Brooks Rimes, Dan Morabito, Paul Krupa, Anne Fahning, Annette Lobl, Dick Crawford, Dave Chervinsky, Tom Butler, Tom Witkowski, Tom Rusert, Fred Ruocco, Donna Lavallee, Kelly McGarvey, Bob Goulding, Shelia Ferrentino Norm Hahn, Tom DiJohn, guest Rick Jachimiak and new transfer member Tom Natale.
Lion President Henry Lobl called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM.
Lion Dave led the club in the pledge to the flag.
Lion Anne led the club in a patriotic song,
Lion Dick Crawford led us in an invocation.
Lion Shelia; Motion to release the tail twister, seconded by Lion Dick.
Introduction from Rick Jackimiak of transfer member from the East Aurora Tom Natale.
Transfer information is phone number and US Mail. xxx-xxxx cell number xxx-xxxx address xxxx GI Blvd Apt xxx, GI, NY
Presentation tonight is from Lion Annette Lobl on Diabetes as November is Diabetes Awareness month. 
50/50 draw $231 in the 50/50 there are 20 cards tonight.  Looking for the Ace of hearts. Lion Tom Rusert  was selected.  Lion Tom selected the 2 of diamonds.
East Aurora Lions Club has Lion Burr that is the District 20N chairperson for Diabetes.  He is available for addressing clubs and groups on Diabetes.
Presentation: Lion Annette: Extra resources are available for those that are interested. Lion Annette reviewed the type of diabetes, causing factors and facts concerning the disease.  There are many things that someone can do to combat and control diabetes. 
Committee Reports: 
Treasurer’s report:  Lion Tom.  The general and welfare budget was reviewed.  Members were emailed the monthly budget for review. Review of any outstanding from the Spaghetti Dinner, nothing outstanding.
Bon Ton Books:  Lion Kelly.  Community Days are this weekend Nov 9, 10, 11 and 12, books are still available, there are 3 shifts for selling the books at the Bon Ton at Summit Park Mall, Thursday 4-6 Friday 6-8 and Sat 12-2 PM. So far we have sold 119 books.
Correspondence:  Lion Kelly:  Information on a program called Music for the blind.
Requests for donations: The Braille Group of Buffalo,
International institute of Buffalo, we gave them clothes from the Christmas party last year.
Lion Dick and Lion Dave gave a report on items loaned out by Loan Closet.  We are in need of rolling walkers.  Lion Kelly will submit the items loaned out to International.
Presidents Report: LP Henry; everyone enjoyed the Joint Merritton meeting at the Moose Lodge. Thank you to Lion Anne Fahning for arranging the candidate’s night. Comments on a group effort for all service groups to coordinate future candidate’s night.
SWOT Analysis Summary:  LP Henry: suggestions were reviewed.
LP Henry would like to use these as a template for a 2-5 year plan. 
Cindy Sharpe has agreed to serve as program director. 
There will be a plan to develop a strategic plan based on the SWOT Analysis.  Lion Tom DiJohn offered to help develop priority items based on a strategic plan.
Vision Beyond Sight:  Lion Tom November 18 at the Ross Institute.
Vision Screening is in the works; right now the Buffalo Schools are being completed.
New Business:  Lion Shelia:  A key award is presented to Lion Henry Lobl for bringing in 2 members that these members need to be a member for 2 years and 1 day.
Current Project Completion: Puerto Rican Kids School Supplies, “Teachers Desk” Lion Tom will be dropping these supplies off.
Holiday Party:  Lion Brooks, plans are in the works, stay tuned for details. The party is on December 13 at the Radisson.
Motion to adjourn Lion Annette seconded Lion Brooks meeting adjourned 8:58 PM. Board meeting to follow.
Next general meeting will be the Christmas Party December 13, 2017 at the Radisson significant others are invited to come.
Submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee  

Grand Island Lion Club General Meeting Minutes. 12/13/2017

This was our annual Christmas party hosted by Lion Brooks and Brenda Rimes.
The meeting was our annual DG meeting.  DG Sharon Battaglia attended the meeting and addressed the club.  Her fundraising proceeds this year will go to the Family Justice Center.  The Family Justice Center assists those affected by domestic violence.  50/50 tickets were available for purchase.
The dinner and party was attended by Lions and their significant others. 
The next meeting will be a general club meeting as well as a board meeting on January 24, 2018
  Happy New Year!!
Respectively submitted by
 Lion Donna Lavallee
